We are very proud of our felt ball rugs, which are handmade with merino wool from New Zealand and strong nylon threads. They are all unique, 100% pure wool and a beautiful handicraft made by Nepalese women.

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Quality of a felt ball rug

Una Living's felt ball rug is a very durable design product and manufactured of the highest quality. This combined with the finest materials and craftsmanship ensures felt ball rugs of very high quality and usability. The best-known felt ball rugs are the ones with lots of colors. Una Living strive to offer interesting color combinations, stylish and minimalist design for our felt ball rugs. Our suppliers are carefully chosen because they have years of experience felt ball rug techniques and environmentally friendly dyeing method as allergies, poisons and AZO free. Moreover, they have focus on ensuring a good working environment for local workers in Nepal.


A felt ball rug from Una Living is made of 100% virgin wool. This wool comes from New Zealand, which ensures high quality and durability of the product. The wool is characterized by being short, dense and smooth, which is the perfect combination to produce felt balls for a felt ball rug.


At Una Living we are very proud of the high quality of our felt ball rug. A special treatment and sewing method enables us to provide our customers with 3 years warranty on a felt ball rug. If it should happen that, there occur a quality fault / lack of a rug, our service team ready to help quickly and easily.

Product Care

Una Living's felt ball rug is handmade from natural materials. Therefore the felt ball rug can have minimal color or material differences. This is not due to poor quality, but a testament to a great craftsmanship. All felt ball rugs is unique.

A new felt ball rug can have short hair on the surface, which will disappear with use.

NOTE – felt ball rugs may only be cleaned by professionals due to the natural dyes are used. Use of water-based or dry cleaning can cause color changes.

Sustainability and responsibility

Una Living's felt ball rug is handmade by women from Nepal who have many years of experience. Our business is built on social awareness and we have ensured that the Nepalese women all are fairly paid and have good working conditions. We use only natural products for the production of felt ball rugs and felt ball.